Marriage dissolution is typically contested or uncontested; either way, the proceedings follow the choices of the spouses involved. There are different aspects to consider regarding investments, children, and other things shared between partners. The attorneys at Lamb, Carroll, Papp & Cunabaugh will help you understand the best approach and strategies to adopt, so, you get a stress-free and favorable dissolution of marriage in the end.
What is an uncontested divorce?
An uncontested dissolution of marriage occurs when both spouses agree and compromise on the vital settlement proceedings. These aspects are not limited to child support & custody, distribution of marital property & debts, alimony, and other areas worthy of discussion. To reach an agreement, you both can choose to do it independently. However, if you want to ensure it is favorable, you will need our mediator and legal services to file the appropriate paperwork.
What makes a marriage dissolution contested?
A divorce becomes termed contested when a spouse does not comply with the served divorce notice. Which is usually at the beginning of the divorce proceedings, from which they can state areas that need to be resolved. If the grounds for divorce do not please a spouse, they decide to contest it. The common issues are child support, retirement plan/savings, spousal maintenance, equitable distribution, and all other worthy grounds.
When such happens, you can decide to settle, with force or amicably, as a counter-serve can be issued to the spouse contesting the divorce. Moreover, this applies to no-fault divorce, where spouses choose to settle on irreconcilable differences.
How we resolve contested divorce ate LCPC legal
There are a few ways we resolve contested dissolution of marriages and always start with the friendly approach.
Mediation: Most spouses choose to forgo mediation unless kids are involved, and the state supports this option. Here we carry mediation in high regard since it can help end even the most severe case. At LCPC legal, we have successfully counseled and guided many of our clients through the entire process.
Collaborative divorce: For collaborative divorce, both spouses and their lawyers combine to draw an agreement. After many backs and forth meetings, the deal may not suit the parties involved for fear of being cheated. It often leads to other legal battles we are prepared for.
Arbitration: The next step will be divorce arbitration when mediation and collaborative efforts fail. After agreeing on a neutral arbitrator, attorneys should represent you and your spouse. In most cases, both parties can set the tone for the process to go, and the arbitrator can reach a decision. While this approach can improve communication between couples, the arbitrator’s conclusion is not appealable.
Litigation: Sometimes, when all the above settlement process fails, the court is the only place left to resolve the divorce. When the case becomes a part of the public records, you must be prepared for the legal battle. Our years of experience and familiarity with state laws have helped us to formulate a strategy that helps our clients get the best verdicts over the year.
In conclusion, contested and uncontested divorces require the best legal guidance; here at Lamb, Carroll, Papp & Cunabaugh, we offer our clients a solid and active representation. Contact us today to get started.