Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers
Crystal Lake, IllinoisIf you have been previously divorced or have the good fortune to have acquired many financial assets prior to marriage, you may need a prenuptial agreement. Our Crystal Lake prenuptial agreement lawyers will be able to help you protect the assets you have already acquired as your non-marital property. While a prenuptial agreement does not foster divorce and cannot interfere with the court’s discretion in fixing support obligations for children or destitute spouses, it can set forth a division of property rights in the event a marriage ends in divorce.
These agreements must be prepared well in advance of the marriage, to allow both parties the opportunity to consult with their respective lawyers. If you are about to be married and your future spouse has asked you to sign a prenuptial agreement, you need the advice of an attorney to understand the rights you would have with and without the agreement. A well-drafted prenuptial agreement also makes the divorce process easier, as the resolution of financial issues in the event of divorce was agreed to prior to the breakdown of the relationship.
Are you unsure of whether or not you need a prenuptial agreement? Call one of our Crystal Lake prenuptial agreement lawyers for a consultation on what assets you and your intended spouse hold. The lawyers at Carroll, Papp & Cunabaugh, Attorneys at Law will help make any prenuptial agreement understandable and the process easy.