Wills Lawyers
Crystal Lake, IllinoisWriting and developing a will is a complicated process and seeking legal advice from the Crystal Lake will lawyers is recommended to ensure that the documents are done correctly. A will is an important document that the court will follow in distributing your assets when you die. Without a will, the court will follow the legislature’s direction as to who will receive your property. Many people expect their spouse to get all of their assets, but in Illinois, that may not be the case.
If a decedent was married, with children, the spouse will get 1/2 of the assets, while the children will split the remaining 1/2. If this is not what you intend, then you need a will. If both parents of a minor child die in Illinois, the courts may appoint a guardian of that minor child. With a will, you can state a preference for who that guardian will be, which the court will not lightly overturn. A will must be executed precisely in accordance with the law and without seeking legal advice there are many laws that can be misunderstood, therefore your will could be nullified.